Wireless induction using the FireBall coil as our primary driver and the Mark1 as our pickup! As you can see, since its been difficult to fully tune in the FireBall coil(open to suggestions on this one). We can get very close and are able to light up our pickup LED but only when the coil is placed directly on top. There doesn't seem to be any range, though I suspect this is due to the fact that we aren't fully tuned into its resonance frequency as the neon bulb wont stay lit. Its finicky and the range might be too tight for the pot I'm using?
Science and Technology
Thank you Michel Morel for this amazing breakthrough in our research with the Rodin Coil ZPE System! I'm very excited to announce that Michel has got 10x voltage output as seen in the nunez method leading to some truly extraordinary results. Here is my attempt at replication. Michel utilized the modified joule thief circuit from 1stopenergies and an NPN transistor. His potentiometer blew up so he used fixed resistor values instead, around 15-20Kohm of resistance for Michel's coil. The transistor he used was a MJL21194 and the one I'm using here is a E13009. The former switches on a 5v and the latter at 9v. So, I'm now thinking maybe I need to put in more voltage as I was only using around 4-5v input power to be careful. Looks like its back to the lab again...Stay tuned!